
Go Big, Start Now

Go Big, Start Now

Adam Duckett on why solving the world’s grand challenges needs even grander vision – and how you ...

Giving Back

Giving Back

Andrea Hosey and Mark Sutton examine the needs and experiences of IChemE’s bank of volunteers

IChemE Needs You!

IChemE Needs You!

Mike Cloke reflects on his volunteer role, and discusses opportunities for others to get involved

Policy Progress

Policy Progress

Alexandra Meldrum reports on IChemE’s increased involvement in policy consultations

Signs and Symbols

Signs and Symbols

Martin Pitt explores the 19th century inventors of the symbols and calculations upon which modern...

Well Connected

Well Connected

Victoria Darcy announces a new way for students and graduates to network and find out what chemic...

Climate Action Plans

Climate Action Plans

Get involved, says Claire MacLeod of IChemE’s Learned Society Committee Responsible Production Wo...

Election Fever

Election Fever

IChemE CEO Jon Prichard leads the call for nominations for roles on the Board of Trustees, Congre...

The Best of You

The Best of You

Manisha Patel highlights topics made available to IChemE members via the Career Solutions webinar...

Reader feedback

Reader feedback

We asked our reader feedback panel to tell us how they have been impacted by the coronavirus pand...

Pure and Simple

Pure and Simple

Miguel Johansson Finguerut describes his work on community water projects in central Mexico

IChemE 100

IChemE 100

John McGagh talks about his new role as Chair of the IChemE100 Steering Committee

Spiralling Up

Spiralling Up

IChemE President Stephen Richardson talks to Adam Duckett about his ambitions for IChemE

Strategy 2024

Strategy 2024

IChemE President Ken Rivers explains the purpose of Strategy 2024 and why it is fundamental to t...

Policy Central

Policy Central

Nick Starkey of the Royal Academy of Engineering explains why engineering input is so crucial for...

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

Andrew Coe and James Paterson explain developments on part of the solution to the dual energy cha...

Discussions on safety

Discussions on safety

IChemE’s annual Hazards conference was held from 22–24 May in Birmingham, UK. More than 350 peopl...



Jarka Glassey on developing IChemE's role as a learned society

Screen Test

Screen Test

Are today’s methods of grading and selecting our graduate chemengers lacking?

Victorian Values

Victorian Values

The Victorian state government has introduced legislation regarding the registration of engineers...

Fresh Faces

Fresh Faces

In the first of a series looking at the work of IChemE’s volunteers, we profile the Young Members...

Get Ready

Get Ready

Chemical engineers: start answering climate change questions now

Join Us

Join Us

The work of IChemE's Forms of Contract Committee, and how you can get involved.


David White, 1935–2024

David White, 1935–2024

Obituary of David White, who was awarded IChemE’s Hebden Medal in 2015 for his work on gasificati...

  • 5th April 2024
Isuru Udugama, 1990-2023

Isuru Udugama, 1990-2023

Obituary of Isuru Udugama, a senior lecturer at The University of Auckland and prolific academic ...

  • 6th February 2024
John O’Shea, 1947-2023

John O’Shea, 1947-2023

Obituary of John O'Shea, a devoted volunteer, mentor and teacher, whose dedication to the profess...

  • 2nd February 2023
Yvonne Baker awarded OBE

Yvonne Baker awarded OBE

ICHEME Chartered member Yvonne Baker has been recognised for services to STEM education, receivin...

  • 4th January 2022
That’s it for 2019!

That’s it for 2019!

ICHEME’S UK headquarters are now closed for the Christmas and New Year holiday, and we at The Che...

  • 24th December 2019
Roger Sargent 1926-2018

Roger Sargent 1926-2018

ROGER Sargent, the founding father of process systems engineering, passed away on 11 September fo...

  • 19th September 2018
M Sam Mannan 1954–2018

M Sam Mannan 1954–2018

M SAM MANNAN, a chemical engineer and pioneer of process safety, passed away on 11 September 2018.

  • 17th September 2018
New Congress for IChemE

New Congress for IChemE

IChemE has published a new Royal Charter and By-laws, and approved the establishment of a Congress.

  • 20th July 2018
Gladden to lead EPSRC

Gladden to lead EPSRC

CHEMICAL engineer Lynn Gladden will be the next executive chair of the Engineering and Physical S...

  • 4th May 2018
Starter for ten…

Starter for ten…

AN ICHEME student member is representing the profession on the BBC’s University Challenge – and h...

  • 28th September 2017
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