Be the voice. Make a difference
ON 21 May 2018, at our Annual General Meeting (AGM), members voted on the proposed amendments to the Institution’s Royal Charter and By-laws. The changes were passed by 92% of those who voted, a positive step towards modernising IChemE and ensuring it is fit-for-purpose to advance chemical engineering in the 21st Century.
In addition, IChemE welcomed new members to the Board of Trustees. I joined two other ordinary members, a vice president (international), and a deputy president; all who had been elected by the voting membership.
At the end of June this year, we gathered in Rugby to receive our formal trustee induction and briefing. During the meeting, we were delighted to receive the notification from the Privy Council Office that Her Majesty the Queen had confirmed the approval of the amendments voted on at the AGM.
The approval allowed us to press on with implementing the amendments and, perhaps most significantly, establishing our first ever Congress. I am helping to lead this work in partnership with our immediate past president, John McGagh.
This is a positive development for IChemE, and we are ready to deliver it. Once established, Congress will have control of how it operates, so the inaugural Congress setup provides a flexible starting point for operations in the years to come. It’s an opportunity for members to be the voice of the membership, and really make a difference in terms of our future direction and strategy.
Becoming a trustee has given me much greater insight into the potential of our members, and how much they currently do to support IChemE activities and delivery. I truly believe in an Institution that is led by members, supports members, and serves society. Congress offers us an excellent opportunity to champion such an Institution, and for members it means better representation, promotion, and recognition.
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