VOTING Members (Fellows and Chartered Members) of IChemE have approved changes to its Royal Charter and By-laws, with the results announced at the AGM on 20 May.
The amendments to IChemE’s governing documents were backed by 89% of the 965 members who voted. 7% voted against, and 4% chose to abstain.
In 2018, IChemE agreed that the Royal Charter and By-laws would be kept under continual review to allow any necessary amendments to be brought forward on a regular basis.
The 2019 changes are:
The AGM also saw changes within IChemE’s Board of Trustees: Stephen Richardson, of Imperial College London was elected as IChemE’s new Deputy President and will serve a six-month term. In November 2019, he will become President and serve for 18 months, ensuring a full three-year term as a Trustee (Deputy President, President, and Past President).
IChemE President Ken Rivers and IChemE Past President John McGagh were elected to extend their terms until November 2019, in order to allow Richardson time to get up to speed with the activities of the Board of Trustees.
Iain Martin, who has served as Honorary Treasurer since May 2018, was re-elected for the role.
The 2019 AGM was broadcast live. Members who were unable to attend the AGM can watch a recording of the broadcast via IChemE’s online member forum Interface.
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