ICHEME is updating its Code of Professional Conduct and Disciplinary Regulations, with the changes set to come into force for members from 1 January 2021.
Major updates are being made to revise the documents and reflect best practice. IChemE says it has taken on board feedback from Congress, with most of the updates having been agreed with just one further minor amendment set for review and approval by the Board of Trustees at its meeting on 12 November. Thereafter the new documents will be published on the IChemE website so members can read them ahead of the subscription renewal notice being sent to members.
The changes are set to include aligning the code and regulations to regulatory guidance, in particular the Engineering Council’s guidance for institutions and the statement of ethical principles. The code has been modernised to include references to the duties members have in regard to cyber security, sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and communication through social media. It also adds that members take responsibility for their own CPD and record it.
The Disciplinary Procedure has been more clearly defined, is now peer-led, and a more detailed guidance document has been prepared.
A number of the changes to the documents have been recommended by IChemE’s solicitors, and then reviewed by Congress and approved by the Board of Trustees.
The newly-formed Governance Panel has been established to ensure the Institution’s governing documents remain up to date, relevant to the needs of IChemE members, and compliant with external regulatory and relevant legislative requirements. The code and regulations will be reviewed as and when required to ensure currency and relevance.
IChemE CEO Jon Prichard said: “I’d like to invite members to read and understand the new code and regulations which will be published shortly. And I’d like to thank those members who have led their review and modernisation. Good governance is at the heart of everything we do at the Institution.”
The updated documents will be published here: https://www.icheme.org/about-us/governance/code-of-professional-conduct/professional-conduct-and-disciplinary-regulations/
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