Alan Harper of IChemE’s Professional Formation Forum urges members to prepare for mandated CPD audits
CONTINUING professional development (CPD) is the maintenance and development of knowledge, skills and experience, and is vital to all professionals. It also demonstrates to the broader community a commitment to staying abreast of developments in the field and allows engineers to keep pace with others in their industry.
In common with other professions and disciplines, CPD assures the public of your competence. For employers, it can improve business productivity and employee effectiveness. CPD may help to remove an individual’s knowledge gaps and improve their adaptability and employability. This should open pathways to career progression and allow individuals to shape the direction of their career.
IChemE provides CPD opportunities and advice for members, and to comply with the regulatory bodies’ requirements, specifically includes CPD as part of the requirements for continuing membership in all professional grades post-qualification. Annually, IChemE audits a sample of members for ongoing evidence of their CPD. Members selected are required to complete a CPD submission form outlining their role, CPD processes, objectives, and CPD undertaken and planned in the previous and forthcoming cycles. Members are also expected to be able to reflect on the success of their CPD.
The audit aims to support members to fulfil their ongoing CPD obligations. Every member who participates in the audit receives individual written feedback from a trained CPD assessor and peer. Anecdotally, members tell us that this feedback has helped them to improve their CPD processes.
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