
Drink it in

Drink it in

Martin Pitt looks back on the history of drinking water and chemical engineers’ contribution to it

Go Big, Start Now

Go Big, Start Now

Adam Duckett on why solving the world’s grand challenges needs even grander vision – and how you ...

Working in Water

Working in Water

Amanda Lake talks about her work in the municipal water sector, in water and wastewater treatment.

Brewing Up Energy

Brewing Up Energy

Constantine Tsounis, Bijil Subhash, and Khushal Polepalle chart their journey from undergrad desi...

Pure and Simple

Pure and Simple

Miguel Johansson Finguerut describes his work on community water projects in central Mexico

Just Add Water

Just Add Water

Hugh Thomas looks at the challenge of ensuring resilient and wholesome water supplies

Hot Water

Hot Water

A bright future awaits chemengers in the water industry, say Richard Hill and Chris Short

Go With the Flow

Go With the Flow

Gordon Varney and Lydia Gaunt explain how to select pumps in the water, wastewater and sewage in...

In Orbit

In Orbit

Astronaut Donald Pettit talks to Adam Duckett about his life and work


Taking BPA out of water

Taking BPA out of water

RESEARCHERS have described a quick and cheap technique that they say removes 99% of toxic bisphen...

  • 3rd August 2017
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