Shape the Future
Vote for transparency, representation and accountability at the EGM
Vote for transparency, representation and accountability at the EGM
John McGagh urges you to use your EGM vote wisely
Helen Tunnicliffe reviews the winners of IChemE’s annual awards programme
A review of the key findings from IChemE’s Salary Survey
Jon Prichard discusses the eagerness of members to engage
Part 1: Expanding the value and reach of IChemE’s professional development offers
The work of IChemE's Forms of Contract Committee, and how you can get involved.
Revalidating professional status
How your application to get Chartered is processed
YOU’RE graduating this year. All that hard work (we won’t mention the partying) will culminate in...
New research shows IChemE Contracts are among the least disputed
ICHEME has launched a completely new model form of contract book, Professional Services Contract ...
Adam Duckett discusses Trump and the climate
Johnson Matthew takes home top prize; Sime Darby, PETRONAS and the National University of Singapo...
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