100 Centuries of Chemical Engineering
In a prelude to IChemE’s centenary celebrations, IChemE Fellow Martin Pitt charts the influence o...
In a prelude to IChemE’s centenary celebrations, IChemE Fellow Martin Pitt charts the influence o...
Andrew Jamieson updates on how IChemE is ensuring that there are systems and resources available ...
In the lead-up to COP26, Amanda Lake discusses how IChemE is delivering on its climate change co...
Andrea Hosey reports on the latest IChemE member engagement survey, and finds out how we’re doing
Alexandra Meldrum recalls our learned society’s achievements and previews what’s to come
New IChemE President Jane Cutler speaks to Adam Duckett
Trish Melton previews a new IChemE initiative launching in January 2022.
Macsene Isles-Ahite, David Lloyd-Roach and Alana Collis talk about why IChemE needs to better und...
Shining a light on the valuable work of IChemE volunteers
Get involved, says Claire MacLeod of IChemE’s Learned Society Committee Responsible Production Wo...
Wendy Wilson provides a final update on the status of actions from IChemE’s Member Engagement Survey
A message from the new Editor-in-Chief of ChERD, Jerry Heng
Ainslie Just provides an update on IChemE’s Programme SMART
Members have grounds for optimism, says IChemE CEO Jon Prichard
IChemE CEO Jon Prichard leads the call for nominations for roles on the Board of Trustees, Congre...
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