Overcoming CDU Challenges
How refineries can overcome CDU challenges to boost the bottom line
How refineries can overcome CDU challenges to boost the bottom line
Expert observations of demolition dangers and how to avoid them
How augmented reality is ticking all the boxes for the process sector. Simon Clarke, Director at ...
Chemical engineers: start answering climate change questions now
What’s coming, and why the process industries will have to be more nimble. Simon Coombs, Managing...
Ancient methodologies, such as fermentation and cold pressing, are finding new uses in natural co...
Part 2: Building long-term sustainability for IChemE professional qualifications volunteers
Vote for transparency, representation and accountability at the EGM
FBP journal – a new avenue for the research
The BioFutures Programme will address the opportunities and challenges faced by the chemical engi...
Next-generation batch technologies drive productivity and profitability
The route from coffee waste to biofuel: Dickon Posnett, Argent Energy Director of Corporate Affai...
Creating scalable nanomaterials for industry
Helen Tunnicliffe reviews the winners of IChemE’s annual awards programme
A review of the key findings from IChemE’s Salary Survey
Catch up on the latest news, views and jobs from The Chemical Engineer. Below are the four latest issues. View a wider selection of the archive from within the Magazine section of this site.