IChemE: a Learned Society and a Review of Policy Work
Working with members to develop a more effective strategy for policy
Working with members to develop a more effective strategy for policy
Financing options available for chemical companies looking to fund their own digital revolution
A tale of survival in the South African aluminium sulfate market.
Since Brexit negotiations have entered full force, concerns are growing about the future of the U...
Flare system design and modification.
Developing a low-cost smartphone app to help craft beer breweries and homebrewers monitor and con...
Building the UK’s first captured-carbon polymerisation plant
An insider’s view of the technical challenges overcome at the pioneering Boundary Dam CCS project...
A look into public awareness and acceptance of carbon capture and utilisation
Developing a centuries-old idea to provide clean drinking water
The future of IChemE is in your hands
Group interview is a common part of many graduate selection processes. What can you do to stand out?
A look at the work of IChemE's policy team.
The Loss Prevention Bulletin's special issue on food processing uncovers hazards you might find s...
A look at chemical engineering in the 1950s, when chemical engineering was done at a more basic l...
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