Book Review: Two-Dimensional Liquid Chromatography: Principles and Practical Applications
Oliver Jones; ISBN: 978-981-15-6189-4; Springer Singapore; 2020; US$59.99 (softcover)
Oliver Jones; ISBN: 978-981-15-6189-4; Springer Singapore; 2020; US$59.99 (softcover)
Saul Griffith with Sam Calisch and Laura Fraser; ISBN: N/A; Publisher: N/A; 2020; Free
Hong Wai Onn; ISBN: 9789671818800; Hong Wai Onn; 2020; £9.37 (Amazon)
Frank Crawley; ISBN: 9780128195437 (paperback); Elsevier; 2020; £117.30
Trevor Kletz & Paul Amyotte; ISBN: 9780128105399 (Hardcover) 9780128105405 (eBook); Butterworth-H...
Gaia Vince; ISBN: 9780241281116; Allen Lane; 2019; £20
Raj P Chhabra and Basavaraj Gurappa; ISBN: 9780081010983 (Paperback); 9780081012208; (eBook; Butt...
Fiona Erskine; ISBN: 9781786077578; Point Blank; an imprint of Oneworld; 2020, £14.99
Anna Wypych and George Wypych ; ISBN: 978-1-927885-43-7; ChemTec Publishing; 2019; US$285
Peter Collins; ISBN: 978-1-909327-46-7; Royal Academy of Engineering; 2019; £30
George Wypych; ISBN: 978-1-927885-51-2; ChemTec Publishing; 2019; US$350
A Kayode Coker; ISBN: 9781118233696; Wiley-Scrivener; 2018; eBook £200.99; Hardcover, £223.00
Edited by William Roy Penney & Edgar C Clausen; ISBN: 9780815374312; CRC Press; 2018; £55.99 (pap...
Andrew Hopkins AFIChemE; ISBN: 9781925894158; Wolters Kluwer; 2019; £57.22
John Blackie; ISBN: 978-1-9993700-0-8; Dyes Publishing; 2019; £15
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