Hong Wai Onn; ISBN: 9789671818800; Hong Wai Onn; 2020; £9.37 (Amazon)
When asked to review a book set in the palm oil industry I jumped at the chance. After all, the industry, or rather the product, has a hit-and-miss reputation sustainability wise. Reviewing A Chemical Engineer in the Palm Oil Milling Industry represented an opportunity to examine the industry a little closer, from an insider point of view.
It is important to approach a new book with an open mind, and I felt that this was especially the case with this book given that palm oil use is increasing and the associated deforestation is a global concern. These were issues I imagined were sure to be discussed and addressed, especially because most of the plants described seem now to be members of the Round-table of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), a not-for-profit that unites stakeholders in the industry with the aim of developing and implementing global standards for sustainable palm oil.
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