Frank Morton: But Not as We Know It
Annual student sports meet calls on students and sponsors to support new virtual format
Annual student sports meet calls on students and sponsors to support new virtual format
Why process industry economics should be taught in undergrad chemical engineering
Zainuddin Manan describes routes to increasing graduates’ employability
Esther Ventura-Medina wonders what will the future look like after Covid-19?
Edited by William Roy Penney & Edgar C Clausen; ISBN: 9780815374312; CRC Press; 2018; £55.99 (pap...
Photos from the UK’s annual Frank Morton Sports Day, where The University of Birmingham took top ...
Amanda Jasi visits the University of Greenwich, where a new lab has opened to support chemeng stu...
Starting a learned society chain reaction
Are today’s methods of grading and selecting our graduate chemengers lacking?
The University of Cambridge’s new chemical engineering and biotechnology building is open for b...
Adam Duckett reports from the launch of the University of Sheffield’s new continuous powder proce...
How reverse mentoring is bridging the generational skills gap while encouraging fresh thinking
Why businesses, individuals and new graduates should be ready to step up and play their part in S...
Now is the time to invest in skills
Photos from the UK’s annual Frank Morton Sports Day, where The University of Birmingham took top ...
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