Out of Retirement
...or how to keep busy in your 70s
...or how to keep busy in your 70s
The Chemical Engineer visits the EPSRC Future Manufacturing Research Hub in Continuous Manufactur...
Oil refining, chemical, and petrochemical companies are continuously seeking new ways to optimise...
Factors to consider in getting to the right solution.
With water accessibility increasingly under threat, technology leads the mining industry's effort...
Particle technology has much to offer materials processors, but only if we foster the link betwee...
Johnson Matthew takes home top prize; Sime Darby, PETRONAS and the National University of Singapo...
An innovative gas-fed fermentation process provides an alternative protein source for the aquacul...
The Chemical Engineer visits the cinema to see how Hollywood tackles the subject of the Deepwater...
Informal, interactive mentoring sessions can help to raise safety awareness in all areas of an or...
How introducing a biomimetic engineering course at the University of Canterbury led to unexpected...
Education students differently, with a more scenario- and problem-based engineering curriculum
With the rapid growth in chemical engineering student intake, we need to think carefully, and qui...
Matthew Styles and Marc Hutchby discuss using biotechnology to make terpenes, and turning them in...
Process modelling has come (and will continue to go) a long way
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