Whatever floats your boat
How a new process to recycle carbon fibre composites led to a race-ready kayak
How a new process to recycle carbon fibre composites led to a race-ready kayak
Innovative approaches for reusing obsolete offshore oil platforms could create new revenue stream...
Nottingham placement students given input over design, construction and commissioning in SHYMAN p...
Air Products shares how it replaced the cryogenic distillation columns at an ageing industrial ga...
MORE than two-thirds of the world’s land area and more than half the world’s population have no d...
PREDICTIONS about the downfall of the UK oil and gas industry have abounded in recent years, as e...
OVER 3,200 members participated in this year’s IChemE salary and member satisfaction survey. They...
GETTING CHARTERED was a significant development in my professional career but not the end of the ...
Drivers and approaches towards a successful bioeconomy.
A review of the merits of the equivalent reactor network approach
Successes, regrets - and the damage being done to our children's futures
After ten years of promoting carbon capture and storage in the UK, the technology is still in 'su...
Exciting ideas emergy in a new competition to boost solar power
RENEWABLE electricity targets feature prominently in many countries’ emissions reductions strateg...
IT’S no secret that each year, eye-watering amounts of food go to waste. With that as a starting ...
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