Giving a Client Value: Whatever That Is
John Downer explains how teams can understand and provide value to projects for clients
John Downer explains how teams can understand and provide value to projects for clients
James Colley offers sound advice on careers transition when you need to switch sectors
Robert Walker explains the lessons he learned in successfully enabling critical gas supplies to c...
Famous last words, first words and all the words in between from Carl Schaschke on his experience...
Chloe Flower looks at new strategies for a developing sector
Malcolm Wilkinson and members of IChemE’s Sustainability Special Interest Group discuss the futur...
Ed Round discusses what the patent landscape reveals about the future of manufacturing
A message from the new Editor-in-Chief of ChERD, Jerry Heng
Joe Willmot shares the methodologies and data required to achieve a robust and safe scaleup from ...
Last year, IChemE’s President Stephen Richardson took the unusual step of writing to India’s Prim...
An analysis of the increasing pressure faced by the recycled plastic supply chain in Western Europe
Nick Flinn describes the technologies that may play a crucial role as the energy transition develops
Members have grounds for optimism, says IChemE CEO Jon Prichard
Zsuzsanna Gyenes makes the case for the much-maligned energy source
Tom White, IChemE Trustee and CEO of C-Capture, presses Boris Johnson for support on scaleup
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