Communication: the Rate-limiting Step
The first of a regular series of pieces focussing on professional skills for chemical engineers, ...
The first of a regular series of pieces focussing on professional skills for chemical engineers, ...
Scotland’s first ever commercial goldmine proves that precious metals can be worth more than thei...
Employers should know that robust D&I initiatives will lead to better H&S
In May last year, on the pages of The Chemical Engineer, I started sharing my thoughts on teachin...
The difficulties in separating diligence from negligence
I HOPE the following will not be perceived as a rant; I have no wish to offend with an intemperat...
The big data revolution is happening, and we must harness its potential to develop formulated pro...
Professional chemical engineers need to know the difference
THE paramount importance of good safety performance is a message we need to continue to hammer ho...
What really matters in engineering education, and why aren't we doing more of it?
IN 1976, George Box opined: “All models are wrong, some are useful.” How do we assure that a mode...
A crystal ball view of the chemical process industry
Leadership is more than mastering the technical model
Part 1: Reflections on how one university department has changed
It is crucial to put your brain to use when collaborating with contractors
Catch up on the latest news, views and jobs from The Chemical Engineer. Below are the four latest issues. View a wider selection of the archive from within the Magazine section of this site.