TCE Frank Morton 2025 live blog
Welcome to the The Chemical Engineer magazine's live blog for the Frank Morton sports day 2025, h...
Welcome to the The Chemical Engineer magazine's live blog for the Frank Morton sports day 2025, h...
WITH The Chemical Engineer team poised to close our laptops until the office reopens on 2 January...
The final day of Hazards34 is now closed. You can read our full coverage below including our audi...
HENRIK STIESDAL and Andrew Garrad have been awarded the 2024 Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineerin...
AS WE put the lids on our pens, close our notebooks, and say goodbye until 2 January, we thought ...
JUPITER Ionics, a spinoff from Monash University, Australia that aims to produce ammonia in a zer...
A BRITISH court has ruled that the London-based chemical company behind the shipment of the ammon...
THE UK government has announced a raft of measures to ‘cement the UK’s place as a science and tec...
AS our editorial team power down their computers until 3 January, here are some features you may ...
PACKAGING solutions made from seaweed, and rocks that lock away CO2 are just two of this year’s E...
A PLAN to use satellites in Earth’s orbit to harvest the Sun’s energy from space and beam it down...
SWITCHING from fossil fuel to low-carbon energy in less than 30 years in order to achieve net zer...
HALF of the world’s 50 largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions across the world are oil and g...
CRACKS of a few centimetres have been identified in all four of the feedwater pumps of the Olkilu...
A CARBON-ZERO aggregate made from waste materials and by-products for use in construction, a curt...
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