If CCS is to be successfully rolled out, investors will need large-scale transport and storage in...
Bow-tie diagrams can extract valuable information from HIRA reports and make good use of it in on...
How Sellafield is introducing a new cleanup stage to its operations
The big data revolution is happening, and we must harness its potential to develop formulated pro...
Oil refining, chemical, and petrochemical companies are continuously seeking new ways to optimise...
Factors to consider in getting to the right solution.
With water accessibility increasingly under threat, technology leads the mining industry's effort...
Process modelling has come (and will continue to go) a long way
Air Products shares how it replaced the cryogenic distillation columns at an ageing industrial ga...
MORE than two-thirds of the world’s land area and more than half the world’s population have no d...
After ten years of promoting carbon capture and storage in the UK, the technology is still in 'su...
A crystal ball view of the chemical process industry
Adam Duckett says share your successes
Amid the turmoil facing UK steel there is a huge opportunity
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