THE ENGINEERING profession is among the most trusted in Britain according to the latest Ipsos Veracity Index.
The poll found that 85% of people interviewed in November trusted engineers to tell the truth. This puts them level with doctors and just below librarians (86%), pilots (87%) and nurses who topped the list with 88%.
IChemE president Nigel Hirst said: “The professionalism, high ethical standards, and technical excellence demonstrated by the engineering disciplines over decades has earned respect and trust from the public.
“I believe that professional registration is a key factor to this high trust placed in engineers, as it demonstrates technical competence, commitment, and advanced responsibility to employers and the public at large.”
Since last year’s survey, trust in scientists has fallen nine points to 74%. Those at the bottom of the list include politicians (9%), advertising executives (16%), journalists (21%) and estate agents (28%).
The Ipsos Veracity Index is the longest running poll on trust in professions in Britain, having been asked consistently since 1983.
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