CCUS report urges UK government to act now

Article by Amanda Doyle

Report was strongly informed by IChemE Energy Centre’s own paper published earlier this year

Delivering clean growth: Maitland (L) and Allam at the report’s launch

THE Carbon Capture Usage and Storage (CCUS) Cost Challenge Taskforce has released a report setting out recommendations to the UK government and calling for a policy framework to be released early next year.

The government-appointed taskforce was established in January 2018 with the aim of providing a strategic plan on how the country can lead in CCUS technology and how the cost can be decreased. CCUS technology has had limited uptake in the UK after the cancellation in 2015 of a £1bn (US$1.3bn) government competition to demonstrate the technology.

This article is adapted from an earlier online version.

Article by Amanda Doyle

Staff Reporter, The Chemical Engineer

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