Get involved: nominations sought for IChemE’s Board of Trustees and Congress

Article by Raffaella Ocone OBE FREng FRSE

IChemE will shortly be asking for nominations to join either the Board of Trustees or Congress. Raffaella Ocone, along with her fellow Trustees, is keen for as many members as possible to consider standing

TO ENSURE we have the skills we need, earlier in the year the current Trustees completed a skills matrix. This has helped us identify that we will be particularly looking for people with knowledge of, or experience in, global/international leadership, board/committee experience, developing commercial/traded income streams and business and stakeholder development. However, whatever your skills, there is a part for you to play – on the Board of Trustees (IChemE’s governing body), as part of Congress (the member advisory board), or in one of our many other volunteer roles. Or you can be a supporter for another suitably qualified colleague, peer, or friend as they submit their own nomination.

Roles open

The Trustee roles open for nomination in the 2025 cycle are:

  • deputy president for 2025/2026 (president from June 2026)
  • treasurer
  • vice-president (qualifications)
  • regional (ordinary) member (UK seat)

In total there will be 20 seats available on Congress (with vacancies in the Geographical and Membership Colleges). Full details of the individual seats will be available on the website in January.

Article by Raffaella Ocone OBE FREng FRSE

Deputy president of IChemE and professor of chemical engineering in the Institute of GeoEnergy Engineering at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland

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