Two workers have died at an industrial furnace fire at an Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) smelter in Dubai.
The accident took place on 13 August during routine maintenance at the Jebel Ali site. According to UAE newspaper The National, the men were standing in front of a furnace when bricks collapsed on top of them and pushed them inside the smelter. The men were trapped and were burned to death.
EGA said in a statement: “EGA’s emergency response procedures were activated, and the relevant authorities in Dubai were notified and have been providing support at Jebel Ali. The men were working at an industrial furnace, which was shut down for routine maintenance and was not operational at the time. A team of EGA specialists is currently investigating the incident to understand the factors involved. EGA is offering the men’s families every possible support at this tragic time.”
EGA’s Jebel Ali smelter has seven potlines and a nameplate production capacity of 1m t/y of aluminium.
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