DUPONT Clean Technologies is licensing its alkylation technology to Shenghong Petrochemical for a grassroots refining and petrochemical facility in Jiangsu Province, China.
DuPont is supplying a Stratco alkylation license, engineering and proprietary equipment for the 320,000 bbl/d refinery. The alkylation unit will produce around 11,000 bb/d of alkylate product, which is used as a blending component in fuel. The unit will enable Shenghong to produce low-sulfur, high-octane alkylate to help meet climbing domestic fuel standards.
Kevin Bockwinkel, Global Licensing Business Manager for Stratco said: “We were very pleased an alkylation unit had been included in the complex configuration, as Shenghong is looking for the most efficient way to make high quality fuels in its cutting-edge crude-to-chemicals plant.”
DuPont has licensed over 100 alkylation units worldwide with a combined capacity of more than 850,000 bbl/d. The process uses sulfuric acid to catalyse the conversion of olefins into alkylate.
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