THE Australian Government has backed a green hydrogen and ammonia production facility in Western Australia.
The Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH) has been granted Major Project status from the Australian Government, along with environmental approval for the first stage of the project from the Western Australian Government.
The US$36bn project aims to be the world’s biggest power station, according to The Financial Times. It will be constructed on a 6,500 km2 site in the East Pilbara region in Western Australia.
The first stage of the project will result in 15 GW of capacity from wind turbines and solar photovoltaic panels; 10 GW from wind generation and 5 GW from solar. The full project will have a capacity of 26 GW, with up to 23 GW being used for the large-scale production of green hydrogen and ammonia for domestic and export markets. At least 3 GW of capacity will be for Pilbara energy users, including new and expanded mines, and downstream mineral processing.
Alannah MacTiernan, Regional Development Minister, said: “This development will demonstrate Western Australia's credentials as a world-class investment destination for green energy generation, including the production of exportable commodities, like green hydrogen and ammonia, and green steel manufacturing.”
Angus Taylor, Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, said: “This project has the potential to help lower global emissions while building a new Australian industry that creates jobs and opportunities in regional Australia. Projects like the Asian Renewable Energy Hub will help us achieve our ‘H2 under $2’ goal and position Australia as a world leader in clean hydrogen.”
A final investment decision is expected in 2025 with first output planned for 2028.
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