THE UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority will host a first-of-its-kind meeting in Sheffield later this month for academia and industry to share the results of their research projects.
The Academic and Industry Research Forum is being held from 27–29 February and will be the first time that industry specialists and PhD students from across the NDA group have come together.
The NDA group is responsible for decommissioning the UK’s nuclear facilities. It includes the Sellafield waste storage and decommissioning operations and those who are responsible for managing the country’s 13 closed nuclear power stations, transporting spent fuels for processing, and finding a site to host a geological disposal facility. The group currently funds more than 150 PhD students and wants to use the event to share knowledge and discuss the opportunities for deploying new nuclear decommissioning technologies.
“This research helps ensure the challenges of nuclear decommissioning are fully understood, pushes the boundaries to explore emerging ideas and innovation, and seizes the opportunities created by the development of new technologies,” said Rick Short, NDA university interactions research manager.
“We have put together an agenda that uses innovative sessions to promote knowledge transfer between specialist groups and supports the students transitioning from academia to roles within the nuclear industry.”
More details and free tickets to the event are available here.
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