There are three main objectives to the new Strategic Plan – to provide a public benefit, to maintain the globally-recognised standards, and to meet the future needs of the engineering community. Webster explained that these come directly from the Engineering Council’s mission statement.
“Providing public benefit remains a primary aim in our role as a charity and we must maintain a standard that is not only recognised and renowned worldwide, but is shaped by what the engineers and technicians of tomorrow will expect, particularly with regards to the way their competence will be assessed and their registration maintained,” she said.
Some objectives from previous plans have been retained, including a focus on the importance of continued professional development (CPD), working with institutions to improve the recording and monitoring of CPD, and international expansion. However, there are also new objectives, to ensure that registration and the Engineering Council remain relevant to the 21st century.
There will be an enhanced emphasis on diversity and inclusion, a governance review, and a full review of the registration standard, known as “UK-Spec”, to ensure that it remains robust. There are also plans for a brand review and to look at developing the volunteer cohort. There are plans to develop the international side of things, including exploring an international Professional Affiliate offer, and allowing overseas partners to offer competence-based registration aligned to UK-Spec.
In addition, the Engineering Council will look at providing more guidance to registrants through their careers, following on from the guidance recently published on security and whistleblowing. It also plans to introduce a searchable public database of registered engineers.
“There is a theme throughout the plan of optimising systems and finding greater efficiencies, indicating that we will continue to work efficiently and provide a regulatory function that provides good value for the individual registrant,” said Webster.
The Strategic Plan is available to read on the Engineering Council’s website.