ICHEME has published its 2015 medal and prize winners list, recognising excellence and achievement in chemical engineering.
The prizes cover both research and industry in specialist areas within chemical, process and bio-chemical engineering. The prizes also recognise researchers and academics working in the areas of separation processes, thermodynamics and particle science.
John Davidson, former IChemE president in 1970 and professor of chemical engineering at the University of Cambridge, is the first recipient of the inaugural Bird, Stewart & Lightfoot Medal, awarded for achievements in transport phenomena research. Davidson received the medal in recognition of his pioneering research into fluidised beds. His work has given researchers a better understanding of heat momentum and mass transfer phenomena.
Other winners include: Rachel Cooke, manufacturing development manager at SAB Miller, won the Ambassador Prize for her broad range of outreach activities to raise the profile of chemical engineering, and her active role in the Food & Drink Special Interest Group.
Ed Daniels, executive vice president at Shell, won the Council Medal for his leadership in developing IChemE’s technical strategy, Chemical Engineering Matters.
Keith Johnson, production manager at Sellafield Ltd, was awarded the Arnold Greene Medal for his long–term commitment to the IChemE-accredited graduate scheme at Sellafield and the Nuclear Technology Special Interest Group.
And Peter Gostomski, chemical and process engineer at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand, received the Hanson Medal for his article – Down but not out – published in The Chemical Engineer in October 2014.
Claudia Flavell-While, director of policy and publications at IChemE, said, “Our medals recognise genuine achievement within our profession, and we are fortunate to receive a great deal of quality nominations every year.
“The IChemE medal programme is fully inclusive and open to chemical and process engineers from around the world regardless of membership status. The 2015 recipients are no exception; they are the best in their field and should be proud of their recognition.”
The winners will receive their medals and awards at events including IChemE’s Annual General Meeting, ChemEngDayUK 2016, and at other conferences during 2016.
The full list of medal winners can be found on the IChemE website.
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