TWO IChemE journals are celebrating increases in impact factors in 2015; both journals are now in the top 40 chemical engineering journals.
The journals, published in partnership with Elsevier, include; Food and Bioproducts Processing (FBP), which saw its impact factor rise to 2.687 from 2.474 and Chemical Engineering Research and Design (ChERD) also rose to 2.525 from 2.348. FBP has been ranked 30th and ChERD is 36th out of the 135 peer-reviewed journals in the field, overtaking a number of competitor publications.
FPB also grew in other journal rankings. It is now 55th out of 161 publications in biotechnology, and 23rd out of 124 food science and technology journals.
Ken Morison and Nigel Tichener-Hooker, joint editors-in-chief of FBP, said: “We are really pleased with the new score...It is fantastic to see the area of food and bioprocessing become more relevant in the study of chemical engineering, and we hope to see this trend continue.”
Eva Sorensen, editor-in-chief of ChERD, added: “It’s great to see ChERD’s impact factors increase for another year and for us to now sit comfortably in the top third of chemical engineering journals is a fantastic achievement. The hard work of the editors, reviewers and authors, who have all contributed to this success, is now clearly paying off.”
IChemE also welcomed the fact that its more recently-launched journal, Education for Chemical Engineers (ECE), is now being listed in the Thomson Reuters Emerging Sciences Citation Index (ESCI). Thomson Reuters calculates the impact factors and updates annually, giving the featured journals greater discoverability, and increases the chances of it being evaluated for inclusion in other exclusive journal rankings.
Inclusion in the index provides a quantitative measure of a journal in relation to its competitors, based on a ratio of the citations to a journal in the most recent year to a count of articles and reviews published in the journal in the prior two years.
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