MEOR: Making the Case
Based upon the recent ill-informed hysteria surrounding the safety of fracking, the above vision ...
Based upon the recent ill-informed hysteria surrounding the safety of fracking, the above vision ...
YOU’RE graduating this year. All that hard work (we won’t mention the partying) will culminate in...
THERE has been a lot of media attention regarding the term Industry 4.0, what it means, and how i...
A look at how the process industries have changed, more than a decade on
New research shows IChemE Contracts are among the least disputed
THE importance of increasing the participation of women in the workforce, especially in science a...
Celebrating six decades of UCD Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering
Think critically and make a difference
We must continue to learn from the past, and pass on that knowledge
WE often hear the adage that money talks. And this is certainly true when it comes to tackling cl...
What RedR is doing to help in disaster zones, and how you can help
IN March, UK Chancellor George Osborne announced a sugar tax on fizzy drinks will be implemented ...
ICHEME and the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) collaborated to bring a local edition of...
SINCE starting work in the oil and gas sector in 2009, I’ve always felt it important that I plan ...
Webinar series established to promote women in engineering
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